Meet The Doctor in Export

Dr. Aaron D. Tressler is our main chiropractor in Export. He is Neuropathy Board Certified. Read Dr. Tressler's bio here or listen to his podcast here!
Do you have faith in your body to heal in Export?
Growing up, I wet my bed until age 9, suffered with chronic gastrointestinal issues, allergies and sinus problems; I was taking medication for everything and always felt horrible. At age 17, my back seized up so badly that I couldn’t even move, which led me to my first chiropractic experience. I was adjusted, my pain went away, so I never went back. It wasn’t until 5 years later that I discovered that there was more to chiropractic than just pain relief in Export. I went to another chiropractor, who took X-rays and found I had an imbalance in my hips. After he explained the crucial relationship between the spine, nervous system and rest of the body, I came to a revelation that the same nerves that were causing my pain were also blocking my healing. So when this chiropractor corrected my spinal misalignment, it was no surprise when my body began to heal and my sickness went away.
This revelation got me thinking about everything. When my dad died at age 50 from heart disease, I vowed to never let this happen to me and was determined to find an answer. Could chiropractic have been his answer?
These experiences drove my passion for health and helping others, which led me to attending the chiropractic program at Life University. Why Life other than the incredible education? I had the opportunity to play on the best rugby team in the country and the luxury of living down south! At Life is where I really understood the power of the body and its self-healing ability through the nervous system.
As my injuries occurred over time, my faith grew.
One early morning, at age 49, I was out on a bike ride, going 30 MPH down a hill and my front tire completely released and came off. As I rapidly came crashing down to the pavement, hitting the side of my head and my right shoulder, I bounced to a halt. The pain was excruciating!
Once I made it to the hospital, they discovered I had a severe fracture of my scapula, a bone that only fractures from very high impact injury. As expected, the ER doctor quickly prescribed opioids. Knowing the high risk of addiction and side effects, my answer was – NO! She was annoyed by my response and quickly dismissed me. The prognosis for this injury was very frightening. The doctors told me it may take a year to fully recover or even do a push up. Everything I read about this injury was disturbing and gave very little hope of full recovery.
This is where the fun part of my story begins and why I healed so rapidly with NO residual pain or problems.
The morning of my accident, I read Ezekiel 37 in my Bible; The Valley of Dry Bones. If you haven’t read the entire story, do so. God showed Ezekiel a valley full of bones, and long story short, God made the bones come alive by breathing life into them. As they stood, they became a vast army. After reading, it didn’t really mean much to me and I went out on my bike.
Later that evening after the accident, as I struggled to climb into bed, still in agonizing pain, I opened a Bible in my bedroom night stand that I hadn’t read in years. I asked God to give me some words of encouragement and as I flipped through the pages, nothing came up. Frustrated, I tossed my Bible up on my bed, but then noticed it landed open on Ezekiel 37. Coincidence? No way!
This time I read it slowly and carefully, knowing that God was speaking to me. The words “they became a vast army” struck me. Could I return to full strength and as strong as an army man? I stared at these words and took it as confirmation from God. That night I told myself: I will return to full health, incredibly fast, and play rugby again. These were not words from the surgeon or physician. I locked in this mental image (very important) and woke up the next day on my journey to heal. How did I have such a powerful belief? Through my 25 years of healing from my own injuries, seeing thousands of patients beat the odds, and witnessing children and adults healing without drugs or surgery.
I took healing and recovery into my own hands. First, I developed a mental image of being completely restored, 100% recovery. Second, I needed to establish my perfect spinal alignment and optimal nerve function. Being adjusted for 25 years prior gave my body a great start. Third, I had to move and exercise. This was extremely painful but I knew that without movement, I would develop scar tissue and permanent damage. Fourth, I made sure of optimal nutrition and supplements. I knew I had to fuel myself with exactly what was necessary to innately rebuild.
Within 2 ½ months, I ran my first 5k with my son, Aaron, in 21 minutes. In 5 months, I bench pressed 225 pounds in my gym. And just 8 months after the worst injury of my life, I played my first rugby game.
I love sharing my recovery story: my tears, failures along the way, pain of working out, or even trying to drive my car. My 5 children saw me struggle every day, cry until the pain diminished, but fight with all my strength to beat it and live fully again. I never took an opioid and never had surgery.
I love telling my story to motivate and inspire the belief in the bodies innate ability to heal. God designed it that way, we must believe and act. The nervous system is the most powerful tool we have and many times it’s neglected or dismissed. We often get so caught up in nutrition or exercise, which is a tangible concept, but we leave out how vital our mental health and belief are, along with the importance of a highly tuned spine and nerve system to make this whole-body connection complete.
My healing journey is inspirational, educational and enlightening. I want to express to the world the power that God enabled us with, the power of our nervous system and the power of lifestyle habits. All 4 core concepts are necessary for optimal healing from any injury or disease.
This the world needs to know.
- Dr. Aaron Tressler
Want to Interview Dr. Tressler for Your Podcast?
Dr. Aaron Tressler loves to share his story and passions to ignite change in our world. Please click the button below to get in touch!

9:00am - 11:30am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:30am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:30am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
In8Life - Tressler Chiropractic
1 Technology Ln
Export, PA 15632, USA
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