#31 Million Pound Mission – The Black Hole of Weight Loss: Adam Schaeuble

At age 27, Adam was 327 pounds, strong as an ox but realized he had trouble walking up a flight of steps.

He reluctantly watched the movie, The Secret, and his life went in a completely different direction.

First he designed a 5 year plan. Read his affirmations morning and night out loud – Every Day. Took some action of at least 1% every day.

The results? 100 lbs of weight loss, opening his gym, bootcamp programs that helped his community lose 35,000 lbs in just 5 years. His world and his community was rocked!

Adam breaks down the specific diets and nutrition protocols out there and makes it simple to follow and choose the correct one.

Find out why eating fruit is not necessary. How sugar and carbs may be the root of all evil!

Start with a 14 day sugar detox. He breaks it into bite size chunks.

The 3 most powerful steps?

  1. Know your destination. Your goal. Your why.
  2. Learn your pitfalls. What derails you? Write it down and be ready.
  3. Consistency over time = Big Results

Adam Schaeuble aka The PHD (previously heavy dude) hit a rock bottom moment in his life where he weighed 327lbs. He then went on his own 100lb weight loss journey and as he was on this journey he started to inspire people in his home town to join him. He started a gym and a bootcamp program and helped his home town lose over 35,000 lbs in five years.   Now he’s the host of the top ranked health podcast The Million Pound Mission where his goal is to inspire one million pounds of healthy results (which he tracks on his website (MillionPoundMission.com)   Adam is known for helping females(and a few men) over the age of 30 that are super busy being employees, entrepreneurs, partners, friends, and moms. These are the people that tend to put themselves and their health last on the priority list and Adam teaches them how to escape the Black Hole of Weight Loss Doom which is where most people get trapped in the vicious cycle of losing weight and gaining it back over and over again.   Adam impacts his community by teaching them his 7 Necessary Steps For Long Term Weight Loss Succes that have produced a total 55,000 lbs of results for his clients and community members so far.   Connect with Adam Schaeuble: https://www.transformationcoach.me/

Making Pittsburgh Healthy is now the Restoring Innate Health podcast. Listen to episode #79 to find out why!


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Contact Dr. Tressler: drtressler@gmail.com